The Rockwell Shimansky is a 10min walk from the V&A Waterfront. An unrivalled diamond experience, welcome to the largest jewellery showroom in Africa! Include a South African Gin, Whiskey or Wine pairing into your guests experience. Shimansky is partnered with top local gin and wine brands to offer our guests tastings for every Diamond Experience.
- 僅限預約
- 導遊
- 工廠、陳列室和秘密室
- 額外參觀。請查詢
- 最多 40 人
- 營業時間:上午 10 點 - 下午 6 點
研討會 - 見證現場珠寶製造,體驗每件 Shimansky 創作的核心激情。成品。 - 了解鑽石的起源、感受粗糙的複製品並探索南非最珍貴資源之一的歷史。
羅克韋爾鑽石之旅(同上)但提供了額外的選擇,包括在酒吧品嚐杜松子酒、威士忌或葡萄酒、巧克力品嚐和A – Polish – 鑽石體驗。有巴士停車且需預約僅限,不允許步行進入,這可以讓您的客人享受非常私密和獨特的體驗。方便您的客人。分開以提供幫助。
Sourced directly from South African mines, Shimansky diamonds are conflict-free and graded by international, independent diamond laboratories such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the European Gemological Laboratory (EGL). All Shimansky diamonds are accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity which states the diamond’s details. If you find a particular diamond of interest, this certificate is shown and explained to you by a consultant before a purchase is made.
2023 年 Tripadvisor 旅行者之選
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