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A joyful father lifts a little girl high above, capturing a moment of pure happiness and connection between them.


Capturing heartfelt memories and celebrating the essence of fatherhood through touching stories.

Father's Day is a universal celebration, dedicated to honouring fathers, father-figures, and the pivotal role they play in our lives. This year, on Sunday, June 16th, it's the perfect occasion to show your appreciation for dad with thoughtful Father's Day gifts and heartfelt gestures.



The ways we celebrate Father’s Day are as diverse as the bonds we share with our dads. From grand gestures to simple yet meaningful acts of love, it’s a day to acknowledge the profound impact of a relationship that shapes our very existence. For some, Father’s Day can be a challenging time, especially for those who have lost their fathers. Yet, what lingers are the cherished, often humorous memories that keep their spirit alive.

In this spirit, we've gathered a few stories from our team members, sharing their heartfelt experiences and memories of their fathers. Each story highlights the unique ways these remarkable men have shaped our lives. Join us in our upcoming blog posts as the Shimansky team shares these touching tales with you.

“It’s the simplest of memories that I hold in my heart and mind of my dad, who is sadly not with us anymore. His passing was sudden, but the loss everlasting. Despite the pain of this deep and personal loss I reflect on him. This incredible man who was pragmatic, business focused and driven, but also hilarious, full of great advice and always had a joke to lighten the mood. I cast my thoughts back to car rides along the coast, shimmering water, the ocean and music playing as he drove us along. The safety of his strength always reassuring an unspoken element of reliability.

It’s the silly, small things that stick like stealing a bite of his breakfast in that cheeky way only a daughter can get away with. It’s how he invested time in me, moments, lessons… time. That ever elusive thing that governs our lives. Oh, what I would give for just a bit more time with my dad.

My advice would be to never miss an opportunity to hang out with the ones who mean the most to you. If you miss a call, call them back. Make the time.

With this in mind here is a message to my dad…

If there were just a few more things I could say to you dad:

Thank you for taking the time to listen, to chat, to vent, to lead, to laugh, to reflect. You were one-of-a-kind. And kind you were. If only I could call you just to catch up and tell you everything. You showed me how to take big or little moments of life and capture it in my memory, so it lasts forever (Dreamland beach, Bali - when my sister and I forgot our cameras, our first intentional mental picture, it’s still as clear as day).



Dear Dad…

• I can cook now... and more than just an egg sandwich!
• I still can’t surf, but I started to hike, run and exercise regularly, as well as take cold plunges.
• I’m an Aunt! You would have been a Granddad to two little girls. Cheri is a great mom - you would be so proud. Her first born is named after you.
• Brother Bear has grown up and full of the best kind of nonsense. M is as strong as ever but misses you lots. Mom is doing great, and both of their businesses are booming.
• Granny B is good; we chat every week.
• I’m marrying the love of my life; I wish you could walk me down the aisle and we could have one more dance.
• You have taught me how to stand up and say things that mean something. To speak in front of crowds, I can do that now - you taught me that.
• I miss your legendary braais and perfectly spiced chicken, and the fact that there was always room at the table for one more plate.
• I miss your infectious laugh and the way you would wrap a blanket around your waist like I do when it’s cold.
• Most of all, I miss that soft, content smile reassuring me that everything will be alright. Not a day goes by I don’t think of you, our legend!



His piece of wisdom he shared with me:

“You can either fight with the dragon, run from the dragon or dance with the dragon. And wouldn’t you rather dance?”

In honouring your loved ones, especially your dad I hope that my message inspires you to share your love, to speak it out loud and if anything, to pick up the phone and not let a day go by where you don’t tell those you care about how special they are.”

Bianca / Shimansky


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